Her Work, Impact, and Awards
Dr Campbell is Professor of Communication and an affiliate faculty in Religious Studies at Texas A&M University. She was also named a Presidential Impact Fellow at Texas A&M University in 2018. She teaches undergrad and graduate courses in Media studies, focused on communication technologies, digital methods and theories, as well as in her specialization of media, religion and culture studies. In 2017 she received a Transformational Teaching Award from Texas A&M's Center for Teaching Excellence.
Dr Campbell is director of the Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies, an online resource and research center for scholars and media professionals interested in the intersection of digital media, culture and religion. She is also recognized as one of the founders of Digital Religion studies, a new subfield of research that explores how religious beliefs and practices are performed and understood online and offline within digital culture.
Dr Campbell has published 11 books and over 100 journal articles and book chapters on themes related to digital media and religion. She has also given over 90 keynotes and invited talks all over the world on her research on religious communities and their engagement with digital and mobile technologies.
Dr Campbell has been a fellow or visiting scholar with the Caesarea Rothschild Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science at the University of Haifa (Israel), the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Durham (UK), the Center for Advanced Internet Studies in Ruhr University (Germany) and the Glasscock Center for Humanities Research at Texas A&M University (USA). She was also the 2018 Harron Family Endowed Chair in Communication at Villanova University.
Dr Campbell has received the following awards:
- Research Impact Award winner from the College of Arts & Science at Texas A&M University in 2023
- Guest Professor in the Protestant Faculty of Theology at the University of Bonn in 2023
- Research Fellow with the Lived Religion in a Digital Age Program at St Louis University in 2020
- Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies in Germany in 2020
- Arts and Humanities Fellow from Texas A&M University in 2019
- Presidential Impact Fellow from Texas A&M University in 2018
- Harron Family Endowed Chair in Communication at Villanova University in 2018
- Professional Excellence Award from Spring Arbor University Alumni Association in 2018
- Clifford G. Christians Research Ethics Award from the Carl Couch Center for Social and Internet Research for her book Networked Theology in 2018
- Scholar of the Year Award from the Religious Communication Association in 2017
- Transformational Teaching Award from the Center for Teaching Excellence at Texas A&M University in 2017
- Mentor of the Year Award from the Texas A&M Communication Graduate Student Association in 2014
- Junior Scholars Award from the Southwest Commission on Religious Studies in 2006
Dr Campbell is recognized for her expertise in the study of Digital Religion, and serves as an advisor for a number international research projects, public initiatives and scholarly outlets including:
- Named one of Top 5 Women Shaping Digital Theology by Premier Digital,
- American Association for the Advancement of Science-Dialogue on Science, Ethics & Religion, Advisory Board Member
- Recovira-Religious Communities in the Virtual Age Project, Manchester Metropolitan University-UK, Advisory Board Member
- British Digital Muslim: Project at the University of Wales-Trinity St David-UK, Advisory Board Member
- URPP Digital Religion(s) at the University of Zurich-Switzerland, Advisory Board Member
- The Fetzer Institute, Social Movements Mapping Project, Consultant
- The Interfaith Youth Core, Expert Advisory Council
- Exploring The Pandemic Impact on Congregations Project, Faith Communities Today Research Partner
- Center for Congregations, Congregational Research Guide Contributor
- International Society for Media, Religion & Culture, President (2021-2023)
- New Media & Society, Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, Editorial Board Member and Former Managing Editor
- Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, Board Member
- International Academy for the Study of Gaming and Religion, Founding Member
- Global Network for Digital Theology, Advisory Board Member
Dr Campbell is a spiritual entrepreneur, which is expressed in through the Create Kindness Initiative that she launched in 2019, to inspire other to be the change they want to see in the world, and encourage others in higher education to pursue Academic Kindness. Her heart to care for others is seen in her volunteer work as a Spiritual Director and Lay Worship Leader with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. She is a member of the Guiding Council for Middleway Urban Monastery, a contemporary prayer center. She is also active with Bridges to Life helping rehabilitate incarcerated offenders through a restorative justice program. In her free time she enjoys traveling, baking, pursuing creative ways to encourage others and leading centering prayer retreats for other spiritual seekers.