Dr Campbell has given many interviews, lectures, commentaries and panel discussions related to her research. These videos demonstrate just a few examples of her work.
Official Research Profile, Department of Communication, Texas A&M University
Lessons from the Pandemic on the Future of Religion
In this webinar sponsored by the eformations learning community at Virginia Theological Seminary, Dr Campbell address "Lessons from the Pandemic on the Future of Religion" (Oct 2021). Drawing on her recent eBooks, she identifies trends in church engagement with digital media during the global pandemic, and how these innovations correlate with cultural shifts that churches must consider in a post-pandemic world.
When Memes about Religion are Mean-TedX
In her first TedX talk "When Memes about Religion are Mean" (2021) Heidi Campbell reflection on her research on how internet memes can spread and promote religious bias, and how we should respond to this trend.
Ecclesiology for a Digital Church-Book Panel
Heidi Campbell leads a panel roundtable discussion with key contributors of the forthcoming book "Ecclesiology for a Digital Church" at the annual Global Network for Digital Theology conference (July 2021).
Internet Memes and Religious Stereotypes
In her lecture “When Religious Internet Memes about Religion are Mean: Loving the Religious Other,” (October 2019) Heidi Campbell, professor of communication at Texas A&M University, considers how Internet memes can negatively shape popular understandings of the religious other — and how we can respond with positive counter-narratives.
Podcast Interview on Research on Religious Memes
Renowned Scholar Says Memes Shape Religious Perceptions in New Podcast, Seton Hall Press Release (August 2019)
Overview of the Growth of Digital Religion Studies from talk at Rice University
Campbell, H. (March 19, 2018) “Religion and Social Media” Invited Plenary Speaker, Center for Religion in Public Life, Rice University, USA
Alternative Facts & Digital Religion
This talk on "Alternative Facts and Digital Religion" (May 2017) was part of online conference panel " for the global event Digital Media in a Post-Truth Era. Dr Campbell speaks about her research on religion-focused meme and the false narratives about religious communities they can promote via social media.
Interview on her book Networked Theology
Public Lecture on "Approaching ePilgrimage through Digital Religion Studies”
Campbell, H. (Sept 18 2015). Public Panel on Pilgrimage in the Digital Age. CrossField Doctoral School, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
Conference Keynote on “Networked Religion: Understanding the relationship between religious practice online and offline in a network society.”
Campbell, H. (13 Jan 2012) Keynote presented at International Conference on Digital Religion Conference, University of Colorado-Boulder, USA
Interview Overview of Research on Religious Digital Creatives